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IAEE Publications
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
Edited by: Masayoshi Nakashima, Michael Constantinou, and Michael Fardis
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics leads the way in the field of earthquake engineering, publishing high quality research which is well cited as well as being endorsed by the International Association for Earthquake Engineering. For more information and to receive the latest (real time) updates, please visit the Wiley Online Library.
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About the Journal
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics provides a forum for the publication of papers on all aspects of engineering related to earthquakes. The Editorial policy is to maintain a reasonable balance between papers from researchers and from design engineers so that the Journal will be useful to both groups. The problems in this field, and their solutions, are international in character and require knowledge of several traditional disciplines; the Journal will reflect this.
The main subject of the Journal is earthquake engineering in all its varied aspects, including seismology, tsunamis, ground motion characteristics, soil and foundation dynamics, wave propagation, probabilistic and deterministic methods of dynamic analysis, experimental behaviour of structures, and methods for earthquake resistant design and retrofit of structures that are germane to practicing engineers. It includes seismic code requirements and system identification, as well as supplemental energy dissipation, base isolation, and structural control emphasizing earthquake engineering. Papers on structural dynamics, which are concerned with other forms of dynamic loading but have relevance to earthquake engineering, will be welcome.
In 1972, when the field of earthquake engineering was still young the IAEE began its flagship periodical, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. The founding editor was Professor Ray Clough of the University of California at Berkeley, who has been succeeded by Professor Anil Chopra, also of U.C. Berkeley. The journal continues to provide an international forum for schorly papers in the subject area of its title. The Wiley Online Library is the publisher of the journal.
The editorial policy us to maintain a reasonable balance between papers from researchers and from design engineers so that the Journal will be useful to both groups. The problems in this field, and their solutions, are international in character, and the journal covers earthquake engineering in all its varied aspects, including seismology, tsunamis, ground motion chracteristics, soil and foundation dynamics, wave propagation, probabilistic and deterministic methods of dynamic analysis, experimental behaviour of structures, and methods for earthquake resistant design and retrofit of structures that are germane to practicing engineers. It includes seismic code requirements and system identification, as well as supplemental energy dissipation, base isolation, and structural control emphasizing earthquake engineering. Papers on structural control emphasizing earthquake engineering. Papers on structural dynamics, which are concerned with other forms of dynamic loading but have relevance to earthquake engineering, are welcome.
Masayoshi Nakashima
Executive Editor
2020 - present
Anil K. Chopra
Executive Editor
1996 - 2020
Geoffrey B. Warburton
(not shown)
1989 - 1996
Ray W. Clough
Founding Editor
1972 - 1988
Online Searchable World Conference Proceedings
All of the papers in the World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Proceedings from the first WCEE in 1956 to present have been digitized by the National Centre of Earthquake Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur.
Papers from all of the World Conferences can be accessed at WCEE Proceedings.
Regulations, Codes, & Guidelines
The IAEE publishes a regularly updated compilation of the earthquake codes and regulations of its members. It also offers its Basic Concepts of Seismic Codes series that provides commentary on the basic objectives and features of seismic codes. The Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Non-Engineered Construction book was written to provide guidance for the construction of small buildings.
Regulations for Seismic Design - A World List 2004 / 1220 pages
Book (B5 size) US $200.00 -
CD-ROM (PDF FILE) US $140.00
Regulations for Seismic Design - A World List 1996 Supplement-2000 / 666 pages (B5 size)
US $100.00 - ¥10,000 - (tax included)
Regulations for Seismic Design - A World List 1996 / 1280 pages (B5 size)
US $170.00 - ¥20,000 - (tax included)
1996 edition and Supplement-2000 (set)
US $250.00 - ¥25,000 - (tax included)
Basic Concepts of Seismic Codes, Vol. I. 1980
US $10.00 -
Basic Concepts of Seismic Codes, Vol. II. 1981
US $9.00 -
Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Non Engineered Construction 1986
US $30.00 -
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