Our objective is to promote international cooperation among scientists, engineers and other professionals in the broad field of earthquake engineering through interchange of knowledge, ideas, results of research and practical experience.

Recently Published EESD Papers

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
Official Journal of IAEE

Edited by:
Masayoshi Nakashima, Michael Constantinou, and Michael Fardis

[see latest] | [see all]

The Archive of CSI/IAEE Masters Series

Ready Now!

National Geophysical Data Center

A worldwide compilation of earthquakes and their magnitudes, losses, and references for information from ancient times to the near present.

United States Geological Survey

Up to the minute reports of worldwide earthquakes, with maps, estimates of affected local area, seismological information, and other data. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

Reconnaissance reports from recent earthquakes.

New Officers and Directors of IAEE

The IAEE is pleased to announce that the following individuals have been selected as the IAEE Officers and Directors. The General Assembly (GA) of the IAEE convened at the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (18WCEE) and voted/selected for those positions. We, the Officers and Directors, will try our best for the sustainable development of the IAEE and wish to ask for your most kind cooperation with us.

- Farzad Naeim, President (United States of America)
- G. Michele Calvi, President Elect (Italy)
- Ken Elwood, Executive Vice President (New Zealand)
- Carlos Ventura, Vice President (Canada)
- Hiroe Miyake, Secretary General (Japan)

(Second term Directors)
- Sinan Akkar (Turkey)
- Sergio Alcocer (Mexico)
- Ioannis Anastasopoulos (Switzerland)
- Stavroula Pantazopoulou (Canada)
- Durgesh Rai (India)
- Tao Wang (China)
(First term Directors)
- Ana Beatriz Acevedo (Colombia)
- Alondra Chamorro (Chile)
- Koichi Kusunoki (Japan)
- Judith Mitrani-Reiser (United States of America)
- Rui Pinho (Italy)
* For both the second and first term directors, the current term lasts until 2028. The first term directors may serve for another term after 2028.

- IAEE Central Office

August 8, 2024

New Honorary Members of IAEE

The IAEE is pleased to announce that the following distinguished scholars have been awarded IAEE honorary membership for their outstanding contribution to earthquake engineering and earthquake disaster mitigation. The General Assembly (GA) of the IAEE at the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (18WCEE) and unanimously decided to award the five scholars. The IAEE wishes all the best for their continued work and their mentorship to the next generations.

David M. Boore (U.S.A.)
Izzat M. Idriss (U.S.A.)
Anne S. Kiremidjian (U.S.A.)
Chin-Hsiung Loh (Chinese Taiwan)
Miha Tomaževič (Slovenia)

- IAEE Central Office

July 11, 2024

The 19WCEE Venue in Montréal, Canada on 1-6 October 2028

IAEE is delighted to announce that Montréal, Canada, is the venue of the 19th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (19WCEE). The IAEE's National Delegates voted and chose Canada in July 2024.

- IAEE Central Office

July 11, 2024

IAEE Master Series in 18WCEE, Milan, Italy

With the support of Computers & Structures, Inc. (CSI), the International Association of Earthquake Engineering (IAEE) has created the CSI/IAEE Masters Series, aimed at allowing the younger generations of researchers and practitioners to read, meet and greet illustrious representatives of the older generation of scholars in our field.

Four distingushed scholars will give a plenary talk for the "Meet the Master" during 18WCEE and, for "Read the Master", their monographs will be ditributed to the conference participants.

The "Greet the Masters" initiative constitutes an opportunity for students and early-career researchers to converse with eminent figures during the WCEE, learn from their vast experiences and exchange ideas in a relaxed and friendly setting. Each session has about 30 seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Steve Kramer

University of Washington, USA

Meet: Monday July 1st, 16:00 – 17:00 / Greet: Monday July 1st, 13:15 – 14:15 @ Suite 5

"The Evolution of Performance-Based Design in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering"

Jack P. Moehle

University of California at Berkeley, USA

Meet: Tuesday July 2nd, 16:00 – 17:00 / Greet: Tuesday July 2nd, 13:15 – 14:15 @ Suite 5

"Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering: A Chronicle in Five Easy Pieces"

Li Li Xie

Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration (CEA), China

Meet: Wednesday July 3rd, 16:00 – 17:00

"Ranking Strong Earthquake Ground Motion Recordings Based on the Degree of Damage to Structures Caused by the Whole Time History"

Gian Michele Calvi

University School for Advanced Studies – IUSS Pavia, Italy

Meet: Thursday July 4th, 16:00 – 17:00 / Greet: Wednesday July 3rd, 13:15 – 14:15 @ Suite 5

"The Art of Seismic Design"

Their short bios and their lecture abstracts can be found at this link.

- IAEE Central Office

June 6, 2024

Dr. Otton Lara passed away

The IAEE extends our deepest condolences on the passing of Dr. Otton Lara, who is one of Ecuador's pioneers in structural engineering and an active Director of the IAEE Executive Committee.

We would like to address our sincere acknowledgments for his distinguished contributions to earthquake engineering and mitigation of earthquake damage.

- IAEE Central Office

February 4, 2024

Dr. H. Polat Gülkan Elected to the US National Academy of Engineering

The US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) announced on February 7, 2023 that Dr. Polat Gülkan at the Department of Civil Engineering at Başkent University, and Professor Emeritus at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, had been elected as a member.

Election to the National Academy of Engineering is among the highest professional distinctions accorded to an engineer. Academy membership honors those who have made outstanding contributions to "engineering research, practice, or education, including, where appropriate, significant contributions to the engineering literature" and to "the pioneering of new and developing fields of technology, making major advancements in traditional fields of engineering, or developing/implementing innovative approaches to engineering education."

Individuals in the newly elected class will be formally inducted during the NAE's annual meeting on Oct. 1, 2023. A list of the new members and international members is given at nae.edu, with their primary affiliations at the time of election and a brief statement of their principal engineering accomplishments. The citation for Dr. Gülkan states that his professional performance “for improving earthquake safety of buildings and seismic resilience worldwide” has earned him this distinction.

This year's election brings membership to the academy to 2,388 members in the United States and 310 foreign associates.

The IAEE is pleased to include Dr. Gülkan on the list of IAEE presidents who have been elected to the US National Academy of Engineering.

2000 Luis Esteva
2015 Masayoshi Nakashima
2021 Sudhir Jain
2022 Farzad Naeim
2023 Polat Gülkan


- IAEE Central Office

April 10, 2023

2023 Turkey–Syria earthquake

On 6 February 2023, a Mw 7.8 earthquake struck southern and central Turkey, and northern and western Syria. The epicenter was 37 km (23 mi) west–northwest of Gaziantep. A Mw 7.7 earthquake, centered 95 km (59 mi) north-northeast from the first, followed on the same day. The number of collapsed and heavily damaged buildings in 11 provinces in the earthquake zone in Turkey reached 230 thousand. The disaster caused a lot of fatalities and injuries and widespread damage to buildings, infrastructure, and historic monuments in Turkey and Syria. The IAEE offers our deepest condolences and sympathy to those affected by the devastating earthquake.

- IAEE Central Office

March 15, 2023

President's Message - Serving as "Connection"

Colleagues, Affiliate Members and Friends of IAEE,

On September 14, 2022, I assumed the position of the sixteenth President of the International Association for Earthquake Engineering (IAEE) from Professor Masayoshi Nakashima. Under the leadership of Professor Nakashima, IAEE made very significant achievements including establishment of the CSI/IAEE Masters Series consisting of publication of monographs written by legendary figures in earthquake engineering, two of which have already been published and distributed at the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), and meetings with and greeting masters during the world conferences.

The 17WCEE was postponed because of Covid-19 pandemic and was conducted in a hybrid form at Tokyo, Japan with great success in 2021. Now we are looking forward to a great 18th World Conference (18WCEE) in Milan, Italy in 2024 and we look forward to a record participation in it by earthquake engineering professionals from all over the world. Four more CSI/IAEE Read the Masters monographs are in preparation and will be distributed at 18WCEE with corresponding Meet the Masters and Greet the Masters events.

I want to sincerely thank all officers, directors, and staff of IAEE and all 60 national delegates representing their nations and people at IAEE. During its 60 years of existence, IAEE has made a significant positive impact on the state of earthquake engineering worldwide and has brought together the knowledge, talent, and expertise of earthquake engineers worldwide to enable all of us to reduce to the extent that we all can, the disastrous effects of earthquakes worldwide on life and well-being of our fellow human beings. With your help and active participation, we will continue that path and make even more significant contributions to reduction of seismic risk worldwide. I am honored to have been elected to this prestigious position, and I look forward to working with all of you to move IAEE forward along its glorious path.

- Farzad Naeim, President

March 7, 2023

The 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

The website for the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering is now open. Please click the banner and visit the official website for more information.

The subscription of the news can be applied from https://www.wcee2024.it/download-area/
Please feel free to share the circular with your colleagues.

- IAEE central office

February 21, 2023

Canadian-Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering


On behalf of the Canadian Association for Earthquake Engineering (CAEE), I am pleased to invite you to join us at the joint Canadian-Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering (https://ccee-pcee.ca/), which will be held in Vancouver, BC, from June 25-30, 2023. This is the first time the Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering is being held jointly with the Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, and we are excited to exchange ideas from across Canada, New Zealand, and around the Pacific Rim as we seek to develop a society that is more resilient in the face of earthquake threats.

The technical program will explore the latest advances in structural and geotechnical earthquake engineering, seismology, social science and public policy related to earthquakes, and more. With exciting keynote addresses and special sessions, we will deepen and broaden our understanding of this field that we all care so much about.

We are also eager to show you the best of Vancouver, one of the world's most beautiful and friendly cities. Reconnect with old friends and make new connections in a setting that is second-to-none.

The deadline for abstract submission for CCEE-PCEE has been extended until February 10, 2023

CCEE - PCEE Secretariat

- IAEE Central Office

February 2, 2023

New Officers of IAEE

The IAEE is pleased to announce that the following individuals have been selected as the IAEE Officers. The Executive Committee (EC) of the IAEE convened (in a remote mode) on September 14, 2022. The Officers will try their best for the sustainable development of the IAEE and wish to ask for your most kind cooperation with us.


Farzad Naeim, President (United States of America)

Masayoshi Nakashima, Past President (Japan)

Hiroe Miyake, Secretary General (Japan)

- IAEE Central Office

January 27, 2023

The papers from 17WCEE are now available online.

The papers presented at the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering in Sendai, Japan, are posted online (https://www.nicee.org/wcee/). The 17th WCEE provided a unique opportunity to establish synergies between participants from different engineering areas and from such varied fields as earth sciences, economics and social sciences, and contributed to a global effort of the scientific and technical community towards a safer world in regard to the earthquake risk.

All of the papers in the World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Proceedings from the first WCEE in 1956 to present have been digitized by the National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur.

Special thanks go to a digital archiving project of the WCEE proceedings.

- IAEE Central Office

December 9, 2022

The 10th European Workshop on Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures

The 10th European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures (10EWICS) will take place, under the auspices of EAEE WG8 ‘Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures’, on 5-6 October 2023 in Catania (Italy). The Workshop aims at providing an international platform to discuss, exchange ideas, and gain new insights in the research field of irregular and complex structures, framed in a convivial atmosphere in which to make new contacts and renew old friendships. The topics of the Workshop have been constantly updated, enlarging the original set with new emerging topics. The deadline for the abstract submission is October 16th 2022. For more information please see the first circular below.


- IAEE Central Office

October 6, 2022

The 8th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (8ACEE)

8ACEE LogoThe 8th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (8ACEE) will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, from November 9-11, 2022, with the theme “Earthquake-Resilient and Sustainable Communities.” Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 8ACEE is being organized as a hybrid conference comprising “on-site” and “online” events. The venue for the on-site meeting is the recently remolded office building of Taiwan’s National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE). The registration and paper submission have been opened! The first and only submission will be a 4-to-8 page manuscript.

8ACEE aims to provide an excellent forum to bring together researchers, professionals, engineers, and academics to promote and exchange new ideas and experiences in the fields of earthquake engineering, disaster management, seismic risk reduction, and many other related research fields.
For more information, please visit http://8acee.ncree.org.tw.

- IAEE Central Office

June 22, 2022

The 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation (ICEEDM)

The 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation (ICEEDM) 2022 will be delivered in a hybrid event format, combining an in-person conference with a virtual online component. Participants for in-person conference are limited to 100 people, while online participants are not limited. Please see the leaflet provided below for the details


- IAEE Central Office

April 26, 2022

IAEE Brainstorming Sessions for Future Directions of Earthquake Engineering

During 17WCEE, in collaboration with JAEE, the Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, IAEE organized two brainstorming sessions on future directions of earthquake engineering. The sessions took place in a hybrid mode, which permitted online participation from around the globe. The two IAEE brainstorming sessions are summarized in the followng report.

https://www.iaee.or.jp/pdf/Brainstorming_Sessions Report_for_IAEE_Webpage_20211223.pdf

Dec 23, 2021

Ready for the Archive of ”CSI/IAEE Masters Series”

We are pleased to announce that the first series of "CSI/IAEE Master Series" during 17WCEE is now archived on our website. The new page provides access to the pdf versions of the monographs for "Read the Masters" and the keynote videos for "Meet the Masters".


- IAEE Central Office

Nov 10, 2021

New Honorary Members of IAEE

The IAEE is pleased to announce that the following distinguished scholars have been awarded IAEE honorary membership for their outstanding contribution to earthquake engineering and earthquake disaster mitigation. The General Assembly (GA) of the IAEE convened (in a remote mode) at the Seventeenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE) and unanimously decided to award the six scholars. The IAEE wishes all the best for their continued work and their mentorship to the next generations.

Peter Fajfar (Europe, Structural Earthquake Engineering, IAEE Director 2004-12, Read-the-Masters 2020)

Sudhir Jain (South Asia, Structural Earthquake Engineering, IAEE President 2014-18)

Jim Jirsa (North America, Structural Earthquake Engineering, Concrete structures, Meet-the-Masters 2020)

Steve Kramer (North America, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering)

Shunsuke Otani (Asia/Oceania, Structural Earthquake Engineering, IAEE Director 2008-12)

Rodolfo Saragoni (South America, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Chairman of Organizing Committee, 16WCEE)

- IAEE Central Office

Oct 4, 2021

New Officers and Directors of IAEE

The IAEE is pleased to announce that the following individuals have been selected as the IAEE Officers and Directors. The General Assembly (GA) of the IAEE convened (in a remote mode) at the Seventeenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE) and voted for those positions.
We, the Officers and Directors, will try our best for the sustainable development of the IAEE and wish to ask for your most kind cooperation with us.

- Masayoshi Nakashima, President (Japan)
- Farzad Naeim, President Elect (United States of America)
- G. Michele Calvi, Executive Vice President (Italy, until 2024)
- Koichi Kusunoki, Secretary General (Japan)
* The current term lasts until 2022 unless indicated otherwise.

(Second term Directors)
- Svetlana Brzev (Serbia, Structural Engineering)
- Dina D’Ayala (UK, Structural Engineering)
- Ken Elwood (New Zealand, Structural Engineering)
- Otton Lala (Ecuador, Structural Engineering)
- Ellen Rathje (USA, Geotechnical Engineering)

(First term Directors)
- Sinan Akkar (Turkey, Engineering Seismology)
- Sergio Alcocer (Mexico, Structural Engineering)
- Ioannis Anastasopoulos (Switzerland, Geotechnical Engineering)
- Stavroula Pantazopoulou (Canada, Structural Engineering)
- Durgesh Rai (India, Structural Engineering)
- Tao Wang (China, Structural Engineering)
* For both the second and first term directors, the current term lasts until 2024. The first term directors may serve for another term after 2024.

- IAEE Central Office

Oct 4, 2021

The 18WCEE Venue is Milano, Italy, in June/July 2024.

IAEE is delighted to announce that Milano, Italy, is the venue of Eighteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (18WCEE). The IAEE's National Delegates voted and has chosen Italy (Milano) in November 2020.

Please see the link below : A Message from IAEE President, A Message from Italy

- IAEE Central Office

Dec 4, 2020

Ready for ”CSI/IAEE Masters Series” in 17WCEE

IAEE wishes to announce that we will organize the first series of events for the “Masters Program” during 17WCEE.


- IAEE Central Office

Sep 15, 2021

12NCEE Call for Papers

The Call for Papers for the 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12NCEE) is now open! Special session proposals are due September 10, and papers are due October 15. Please note that there will be no preliminary abstract submission and review for papers?the first and only submission will be a 4-page paper manuscript.

NCEE is a milestone conference hosted by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) every four years. 12NCEE will convene from June 27-July 1 2022 in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. The conference will bring together professionals from a broad range of earthquake-relevant disciplines, providing an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to share the latest knowledge and techniques to better understand and mitigate the damaging effects of earthquakes and tsunamis. Timely and relevant lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic are also expected. A limited number of registration grants will be available for students, early-career academics, and early-career professionals. For more information, visit https://12ncee.org.

- IAEE Central Office

Sep 12, 2021


Welcome Message
On September 14, 2022, I assumed the position of the sixteenth President of the International Association for Earthquake Engineering (IAEE) from Professor Masayoshi Nakashima. Under the leadership of Professor Nakashima, IAEE made very significant achievements including establishment of the CSI/IAEE Masters Series consisting of publication of monographs written by legendary figures in earthquake engineering, two of which have already been published and distributed at the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), and meetings with and greeting masters during the world conferences. [more]
The papers from 17WCEE are now available online.

The electric copies of papers presented in the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering in Sendai, Japan are posted online (https://www.nicee.org/wcee/). The WCEE provided a unique opportunity to establish synergies between participants from different engineering areas and from such varied fields as earth sciences, economics and social sciences, and contributed to a global effort of the scientific and technical community towards a safer world in what regards the earthquake risk.

Special thanks go to a digital archiving project of the WCEE proceedings.

The Joseph Penzien Memorial Fund

A fellowship fund has been established in the name of Joseph Penzien to fund and support graduate engineering students enrolled in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated financial need and have chosen the field of structural engineering and structural mechanics. The goal is to raise $500,000 to qualify for a named graduate fellowship. [more]